Over on Milepoint, TUMD has uncovered a mystery. Evidently something is going on in St. Louis on October 19th. And it must be something big, because whatever it is, it’s causing all American Airlines award flights to be listed as unavailable that day.
Category Archives for Milepoint.
Dead Clients Can’t Pay
Redeeming SkyMiles Could Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health
Hyatt’s At it Again
Now Hyatt has really gone a step too far. Leading the liberal, socialist charge to bring down the U.S. is one thing. But neglect to stock rooms with an item crucial to good oral hygiene and as far as I and Milepoint member Seacarl are concerned, boycotting is too good for this once beloved hotel chain.
We See Him Shiver with Antici…
$161 to Rarotonga
Another Reason Frequent Flyers Are Considered a Bit Off
Remember back in 2008/2009 when times were grand? Airlines were offering double and triple miles promotions, and hotels were practically giving rooms away. Oh sure, there were some concerns about the stability of the world economies and massive world wars. But look hard enough and you can always find a dark side.