Put on your tin foil hats. You are going to need them because the pieces of the puzzle to destroy the American way of life are all coming together. And they all point to Hyatt!
Where should we eat? It’s one of those age old questions, especially when traveling. We want something good and something local. We do NOT want a place designed to attract and trap the tourists.
The three most popular posts/thread on ThreadTripping last week, as well as a list of all of the travelers and travel communities that were featured over the course of the week.
I like my fellow BoardingArea blogger, Angelina Aucello – author of the Just Another Points Traveler blog. She’s good people. Just recently, however, I learned that Angelina is nuttier than a coach cabin in the 80s.
bedinh takes us all the way from soup to nuts on a fantastic spur-of-the-moment trip that was the result of a points mistake fare. And he flavors the report with an inspiring blend of photos from the airports, in-flight, and of course, Rarotonga.
Emergency surgery in a country where you don’t speak the language sounds about as bad as a trip can get to me. Travelers share stories of health scares while on the road.
According to Conde Nast Traveler, the longest flight in the world in terms of time in the air is Delta’s Atlanta-Johannesburg flight – clocking in at just under 17 hours. But that’s still about 12 hours shy of the route emdee13 took to get from Vientiane to Hanoi.
A few topics never fail to inspire passionate debate amongst frequent flyers. Upgrade availability, or lack thereof. Award chart changes. And, of course … ice cream sundaes.
Many, many travelers post detailed descriptions of their in-flight experiences to online travel communities. So why is it that one such traveler turned down compensation offered by Air France to record information about a flight he had booked?