No one should hide who they truly are. We should be proud of our differentness, our uniqueness, our pieces and parts that make us … us. Unless you’re an American traveling to another country.
Ok, YuropFlyer had a few drinks watching a game at the airport lounge between flights, vomited in the airplane lavatory while still at the gate, and was subsequently deemed “unfit to fly” and kicked off of his flight – but it sounds worse than it is. Really.
Lucky isn’t the only one touting Portugal as a destination to seriously consider – particularly if you are looking for someplace a little less cost prohibitive. In fact, Portugal’s name comes up more than once in this discussion about places that are both “cheap, yet safe” to visit.
The three most popular posts/thread on ThreadTripping last week, as well as a list of all of the travelers and travel communities that were featured over the course of the week.
No two trip reports are alike. But this report is definitely unlike any other. jenseib describes in exceptional and sincerely expressed detail the myriad frustrating little things that are a natural part of traveling with your family to experience a DisneyWorld vacation.
Amtrak might just be a great way to travel if you are retired and time isn’t of the essence. On the Early-retirement forums, members discuss the pros and cons of U.S. rail travel.
Over on Milepoint travelers are listing cities they wouldn’t want to visit and the reasons why. Believe it or not, Detroit has made one persons top 10 list, included along with Baghdad, Nuevo Laredo, and Mogadishu.
Years ago Zillow came up with the idea of allowing homeowners to list a “make me move” price on their house. I’m not sure how many have actually sold their home this way, but at least one traveler seems to think the “make me move” concept might just have wings.
How would you feel if you purposefully booked a bulkhead seat – even if the bulkhead “wall” did only consist of a curtain – giving up an exit row for the privilege, only to discover at the gate that you had been moved to a non-exit row seat further back?