Emirates: Customer Service You Can Count On

You don’t have to be a customer service expert to know that if a company’s customers are compiling photographic evidence of service issues expressly because they believe the company in question will call them liars unless they have proof, well, that company has a customer service problem.

Emirates, based off of a thread started by m3red on FlyerTalk, you might have a customer service problem. whimike would certainly seem to think so:

I think EK has a special garbage bin labeled “customer complaints” where printed complaints go for further processing… at a recycling facility, and EK gets a clean sheet of recycled paper back.

And daisymay2 notes that even positive feedback isn’t necessarily received well at Emirates:

I also gave them a compliment about the excellent crew … Result? Nothing back … They just don’t seem to bother responding.

If this discussion is representative of a larger problem at Emirates, there might be an easy fix. Just move “Be consistent” further down on the list of customer service standards guidelines. Interestingly, in researching for this post I discovered that Marriott and Hilton were both ranked very highly in terms of customer service quality in MSN Money’s 2013 Customer Service Hall of Fame. What do you think? Agree? Disagree?

Have complaints about this blog? Please post them in the comments section below and I will make a point to ignore them as quickly as possible. Or send them to customersupport@emirates.com as I recently contracted them to assist me with my growing customer service needs.

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