Week in Review: Unbelievably Cheap Cruises, Remarkably Expensive Baggage Fees, and a Blah Trip Report that is Anything But

1. Why Are Some Cruises So Cheap Right Now?

According to several members on the Cruise Critic forums, current cruise ticket prices are amongst the lowest they have ever seen – as low as $199 for a 7-day cruise in some instances.

2. When Excess Baggage Fees Exceed the Cost of the Ticket

Would you pay $90 to carry a hair dryer in your luggage? A curling iron? That box of specialty chocolates you just paid $40 for in the terminal at the fancy specialty chocolate store?

3. Not Any Other Trip Report – The Blah Airlines Trip Report

Back in October Virgin America launched a brilliant campaign designed to demonstrate how air travel on Virgin America was different, and much more enjoyable, than other carriers. And thankfully MileWriter posted a “trip report” that references this campaign on Milepoint or I might have missed the entire thing.

 Image: “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?” by nolifebeforecoffee. CC BY 2.0.

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