Resigned to Experiencing the Trip of a Lifetime

In recent weeks I have highlighted two separate threads in which travelers discuss the pros, cons and practicalities of quitting one’s job to free up time for travel.

Quit Your Job So You Can Travel for 6 Months – [sarcasm]Great Idea[/sarcasm]
Good Travel Advice and Good Career Advice

To round out this theme and complete the trilogy I draw your attention to Redwineracing, who recently handed in his notice and is now firmly on track for the glorious travel adventures that await:

I was originally planning to go around the world but thinking russia is a no no right now so plans may change as i travel I am trying not to plan to much and go with the flow. The general plan was to fly to florida in Feb collect my bike from the dealers ride across and down to mexico on to south america then back up through usa to canada and then not sure but hopefully on to russia kasakstan etc on to EU then back to Blighty.

Interestingly, the thread reads much like the dialogue from a retirement party. All well wishes, admiration and envy, a few nuggets of advice – and not one iota of concern expressed about the wisdom of the decision.

You only go throught this life once. And showing up for a job 5 or so days a week is only one way to do it. There are much more interesting ways spend your time. Try to stretch the time out as much as possible and travel slowly. ~Peter Bodtke

You’ve taken the biggest step, the rest is easy. ~Rondelli

I bet as the adventure draws closer each day becomes less mundane. Embrace the freedom of the road ~stuxtttr

It is exciting to think about hanging it all up, even if only for a brief while, and seeing the world at your own pace. And in this particular case, Redwineracing doesn’t divulge anything about his finances, where he will live when the trip is complete, his prospects for finding a job again. So let’s just assume he has thought all of this through and share in the delight of the upcoming adventure – what do you say?

Here’s to a trip of a lifetime Redwineracing. May you find joy, strength, wonder and fulfillment. To “no regrets” and the promise of tomorrow.

I just hope to hell you don’t die on the trip, or live to regret it 😉

Read the thread in its entirety: Notice given

AS Writing Notification of Resignation” by Dplanet. CC BY 2.0.


  1. I did it in 1995. I was 35. I traveled for 2 years then returned and got another great job. I never for one minute regretted it and it never impacted my career. In fact, i’m taking my 3.9 million air miles, 4.9 million hotel points, and husband and going to do it again in 2015.

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