My wife and I once “enjoyed” a 7-hour layover at Las Vegas’s McCarran Airport. This was back in the MaxJet days – November of 2006 to be exact. I remember the date because we had flown on MaxJet’s inaugural flight from Las Vegas to London two weeks prior and so I have a photo of the inaugural flight cake to record the event … of course:

They really went all out on that cake, huh? Hard to imagine how MaxJet, after launching with this kind of fanfare, could have failed.
The point being, our overnight experience at McCarran was pre-iPhone. Still, I wish I had figured out a way to be as creative as Richard Dunn, who shot the following video when he was stuck overnight at the Las Vegas airport recently:
Is that great or what. And shooting the video certainly would have been better than what we did – namely trying to sleep in the chairs at the gate, all of which had fixed armrests, while listening to the incessant racket of the slot machines.
The “Wheel of Fortune” machine will forever be etched in my brain. Every 15 seconds or so it blared, “WHEEL…OF…FORTUNNNNNNE!!!” To this day if I happen to flip past that show I collapse into the fetal position and sob uncontrollably.
Anyway, back to Richard Dunn’s video. Though it apparently went viral several months ago, I only recently stumbled upon it via a story in The Independent. Among my favorite posts in the comments section of that story:
I can just imagine the security guards watching him on the cameras and wondering what he was doing….lol ~BEECEE007
I probably would have gone for the original eric carmen version myself but still, it’s very clever. ~MAYBEME
In fact, Dunn’s video gained such notoriety that he was invited to meet Celine Dion in person.
Read the article and comments about Dunn’s video in its entirety: Man gets stuck in airport overnight, makes spectacular music video
And in the comments section below, please don’t hesitate to let me know how you feel about this post’s click bait/BuzzFeedy title. I, for one, hate it – but I couldn’t resist doing it just one time. And to be perfectly honest, I’m kind of curious how many people will click into this post as compared to a post with a more standard title.
Don’t worry though, even if the page views increase by 10-fold I can’t bring myself to use a title like this on every post. I’d rather be forced to watch a “Wheel of Fortune” marathon 😉
Really old news
very steady camera work, well done