etcs has challenged fellow travelers to identify off the beaten path attractions in Europe that are easily accessible via train, and has kicked the thread off with a short list, most of which are located in Eastern Europe.
Monthly Archives for August 2014.
Collecting postcards is also sort of like collecting an anachronistic artifact; an item that, before the mass consumerization of handheld and digital cameras, served the useful purpose of capturing an image of your trip, and now exists mostly as a charming recollection of how things used to be – not all that long ago.
Here on ThreadTripping we don’t shy away from frank discussions about mental illnesses that afflict frequent travelers. From Post Trip Depression (PTD) to Post Redemption Anxiety (PRA) we have covered the gamut – from “P” to “P”. Today we draw your attention to another condition that affects travelers – Packer’s Panic Disorder.
There are first-world problems … and then there are FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS. Feeling a bit uncomfortable when the hotel housekeeper demands to clean your room while you are still in it is a Class 1 first-world problem. Returning to your room after a short trip to the front desk to find the door propped open, the housekeeper busily cleaning away, and your wife still unaware in the shower – that has to rate at least a Class 5!