If You Wish Upon the Southern Cross…

Continuing on a theme from an earlier post this week about realistic family travel options, over on the Travelblog forums tamandfamily is trying to decide whether to continue the travel approach her family has been employing – namely short trips, but more of them – or splurge on one big vacation to Disneyland while the kids are still young enough to enjoy it.

If you are a U.S.-based reader, which most of you are, you might be thinking to yourself, “Why would a trip to DisneyLand have to be so big?”. tamandfamily’s family consists of two young ones and they live in Australia – so she estimates that to make the long flight worthwhile, the entire trip would probably come to somewhere around $20K.

I would love to take the kids to the US. Especially to Disneyland. but, it is a $20k trip pretty much for maybe 2-3wks for a family of 4 from Australia. if we are going to do this, we really need to before both kids hit private school which is in 3 years… then the travel fund will start to dwindle


but… for the last 5 years we’ve been doing heaps of little SE Asia trips or Australia trips… at least4 a year. which would really need to stop for a while to pay for a big one.


And I NEED my holidays but… i am getting stifled with SE Asia…. oh what to do??? damn!! ~tamandfamily

As the thread has progressed, tamandfamily seems to be leaning toward making her children’s DisneyLand wishes come true, though recommendations from other travelers is mixed.

What would you do? Would you give up your short vacations for a a few years so that you can splurge on one big vacation for the kids? Is there some sort of happy middle that could be achieved here?

Read the thread in its entirety: I need travel!!!

Image: “Astro Orbitor!!!” by Angelo DeSantis. CC BY 2.0.

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