Leave a jacket on an airplane and the airline finds and returns it within a day or two and you probably think, “Oh good, they found it.” Get it returned over a year later and you think, “Amazing!”.
What’s the best city to visit in Switzerland? How about Luzerne, Interlaken, Chur, Zermatt, Vevey and Montreaux. What, you wanted just one. We’ll be lucky if there are just six listed by the time this thread settles down.
Despite some testiness, grandparents get to spend time with their granddaughter. Travelers generously and graciously share travel advice. And no one is too badly hurt. All in all, another fine day on the interwebs.
The real draw of this discussion is the video. Put a pan of Jiffy Pop onto the oven, get into some comfy PJs, turn off the lights and cling to someone tight, because this has to qualify as one of the most frightening movies a traveler will ever watch.
What should one do when sailing by a glacier? Why, dress in layers of course. Come to think of it, isn’t that the answer to every weather-related dress problem?
The United States is known for a lot of things, but its amazing passenger rail system isn’t one of them. At least not since the late 19th/early 20th century, and not in comparison to some other countries.
This is just a miserable post highlighting a miserable thread that, if you read it, will absolutely bring you down for the remainder of the day. Enjoy.
A discussion is initiated as the result of a reader’s question to Road Warriorette. And the crux of the question seems to be, “Why should I have to sit between two traveling companions when one of them is big and smelly?”
Movies can make you want to visit a place, and they can also make you want to re-visit a place. Terry kathryn invites fellow travelers to name “movies that make you want to return to Europe? (tv shows too)” .
Iran isn’t on everybody’s short list of must-visit places, but perhaps it should be. A terrific trip report, particularly if you aren’t familiar with day-to-day Iranian life.