The Best Travel Guidebooks for Children

Many travelers enjoy reading and learning about a destination before embarking on a trip. And as fellow BoardingArea blogger Mommy Points has written about so well, parents are always seeking new and better ways to prepare their children for trips – particularly long trips to foreign countries.

And so it struck me as not a silly question at all, despite her protestations, when saljones2010 asked the following on the Fodor’s forums:

does anyone know of any good resources aimed at kids that I can use to teach them more about the world?


We enjoy travelling, but I’d like to be able to do more with them at home, both to prepare them for future trips and educate them a bit more about different countries and cultures.

One of the suggestions offered was the very same book that ignited my own interest in travel at a young age:

I know it’s ridiculously ancient and probably not PC, but maybe Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days … An abridged version was one of the first books I ever read, and I still remember being absolutely fascinated by some of what I learned. ~kja

sparkchaser provided some fantastic suggestions as well, including:

Rosanne Knorr has a short series of books called “If I lived in ____”.

Andrew Lang wrote a series of books called The Fairy Books in which he translated over 400 fairy tales form around the world.

And after being pointed in the right direction, saljones2010 found a travel guide series – FlyingKids – aimed at the little ones as well.

Remember kids, there is no such thing as a “silly” question.

Read the thread in its entirety: Travel Books for Kids?

All Aboard_000” by ChiefRanger. CC BY 2.0.

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