Week in Review: A Long Layover Turns Into a Viral Video, Downgraded on Their Wedding Anniversary, and Tourists Say the Stupidest Things

1. This Guy Was Stuck Overnight at the Las Vegas Airport and You Won’t Believe What He Did!

In November, 2006, my wife and I once “enjoyed” a 7-hour layover at Las Vegas’s McCarran Airport. This was in the pre-iPhone days, but still I wish I had figured out a way to be as creative as Richard Dunn, who used the nearly empty airport as his own personal music video set.

2. British Airways Threatens to Downgrade Half a Welsh Couple … On Their Wedding Anniversary

Let’s face it, everyone has a price. Unfortunately for the airlines, it seems the price that would typically be negotiated by a first- or business-class passenger to switch to a lower class seat is steeper than the airline would like to pay.

3. Dumb and Dumber Tourists

This post, and the thread featured within, is all about laughing at other people. People who do and say stupid stuff. People who deserve to be laughed at. People not like us. You know … tourists.

 Image: “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?” by nolifebeforecoffee. CC BY 2.0.

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