Week in Review: Bill Marriott Hogs the Remote, Millions Held Hostage by Airlines, and Big City Burnout

1. The Great Hotel TV Conspiracy

Sleep. It’s the primary reason for the existence of hotels – to provide a place to sleep when you are away from home. Why then would a hotel purposefully disable the “sleep” function on the TV remote control?

2. Do Hub Captives Suffer from Stockholm Syndrome?

What does it mean to be a hub captive? And how do different travelers deal with the restrictions placed upon them as a result of the captivity?

3. Paris and NYC: Similarities and Differences

A beautiful video that begs the question: At some point do all big cities begin to feel sort of the same?

 Image: “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?” by nolifebeforecoffee. CC BY 2.0.

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