Fun Friday Game – Guess the Ad Rates for Gas, Food, Lodging Highway Signs

Have you ever wondered what a restaurant or hotel has to pay or do to get featured on a state-owned highway information sign?

Yeah, me neither.

But Rogarven has. What’s more, he posed the question to the traveling public and the answer turns out to be quite interesting indeed. wit-nit posts a link in the thread to the Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation site, on which is provided details as to what criteria a business must meet to be added to a sign and how much it costs. I don’t want to steal the thread’s thunder, so you are going to have to click through for the link, but here’s what one fellow traveler had to say after clicking through and reading the Wisconsin info:

I was surprised (shocked, actually) that the cost for a tourist oriented directional sign (TODS) is so low – but I’m glad it is. I also find all of these signs helpful and love that they have made it possible to have fewer billboards ~hmrd

Before you run over to the thread, and the Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation web page (probably the first and last time you will be in a hurry to visit that particular site), please post your guess in the comments section below as to how much you think Wisconsin charges a Gasoline, Food, Lodging, Camping or Attractions business to have their logo displayed on one of those blue state signs.

Admittedly, this game probably isn’t as much fun as the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood smash hit game – then again my goal with ThreadTripping was never to keep up with the Kardashians. My dream? Sure. But never my goal.

Closest guess wins … well, nothing, but it will still be fun to see what people guess. And it doesn’t cost you anything to play, so that’s a bonus.

Read the thread in its entirety: Freeway information signs ??

Image: “food exit 257 sign” by Steven Damron. CC BY 2.0.


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