What To Wear for Global Climate Change

Despite global warming/climate change, glaciers continue to be cold – at least those glaciers that still remain.

And thus ends the science portion of this post. Kids, if you are using this “data” for a school report please do be sure to give proper credit to ThreadTripping.com.

Now that we have firmly established that glaciers have coldiness inside of them, it is also notable that many CruiseCritic members contend that, when passing close by a glacier on a very big ship one needn’t necessarily wrap themselves up snuggly to stave off the chills. This information was provided in response to luv2gamble’s question as to whether an electric blanket might be a worthwhile item to pack for an Alaskan cruise.

What should one do when sailing by a glacier? Why, dress in layers of course.

Come to think of it, isn’t that the answer to every weather-related dress problem? Has anyone created a clothing line named “Layers” yet?

A quick Google search reveals the answer is “yes“. Not necessarily what I would have expected, but I wish them the best and particularly like the personalization of their “About” page.

But I digress…

If you are planning an Alaskan cruise, here are a couple of other good tips from the thread:

Per Cruisin’ Chick, bring mosquito repellant because:

I’ve seen many references to a mosquito problem there

And DRS/NC says that glacier viewing is more of a group activity than one might expect:

…you’ll see only a fraction of the glorious scenery from your balcony! The open deck — or, at least, a large windowed area — is best for viewing the glaciers.

Image: Shirt on sale at Layers. This is not an affiliate link.

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