Grandma, a Celebrity, Loud Music and Jello

When I was a kid we visited the grandparents usually once a year. Around age 7 or 8 my grandma made what I at that time considered the most delightfully amazing dish ever conceived – strawberry jello with sliced up bananas floating inside.

I was smitten. Couldn’t get enough of the stuff. And the more I ate, the more grandma made, and the more I loved her. For the next 3-4 years I looked forward to our annual visits with eager anticipation.

Then things kind of went downhill.

At about 13-14 years of age, we still visited the grandparents, and grandma still made sheets of jello, but I no longer enjoyed it like I once did.

Now I was committed though.

She had gone to all the trouble to make the “dish”, and clearly loved that I loved it, so I felt I had to fake the same level of enthusiasm I once sincerely felt. I had outgrown the jello, but grandma didn’t understand that I had outgrown the jello.

Judging by this conversation on CrusieCritic, Celebrity Cruises is to 30-something cruisers what my grandma was to teenage grandkids. The cruise line is evidently cranking the volume on the music throughout the ship to appeal to the “younger” crowd.

Note to Celebrity: most 30+-year-olds are past the turn-up-the-volume phase of their lives.

On the other hand, they are rapidly approaching the second-coming of the “Mmmmm, this jello is really good – would be even better with sliced nanners,” phase.

And grandma, if you’re reading this from the great beyond – thanks for all of the jellove. Sharing more bowls with you is one of the things I’m looking forward to if there is a great beyond.

Image: “God Bless the Loud Music” by Raffaus. CC BY-ND 3.0.

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